
Jul 27, 2024 3 papers were accepted to the 63rd IEEE CDC
Jul 26, 2024 I will be attending the Polynomial Optimization for Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications workshop at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach from July 28-August 2, 2024.
Jul 18, 2024 Our work on Peak Estimation of Rational Dynamical Systems (with R. S. Smith) was published by the European Journal of Control.
Jul 10, 2024 I presented work about Data-Driven Control under Quantization (with J. Zheng, M. Sznaier, and C. Hixenbaugh) at the 2024 American Control Conference in Toronto.
Jun 13, 2024 Our work about Data-Driven Safe Control of Discrete-Time Non-Linear Systems (with Jian Zheng and Mario Sznaier) was published by the IEEE Control Systems Letters.
Jun 8, 2024 Our paper on Data-Driven Superstabilizing Control Under Quadratically-Bounded Errors-in-Variables Noise (with Tianyu Dai and Mario Sznaier) was published by the IEEE Control Systems Letters
Jun 5, 2024 I will be presenting work about Peak Estimation of Rational Dynamical Systems (with R. S. Smith) at the 2024 European Control Conference in Stockholm.
Jun 1, 2024 I will be discussing research about parameterized robust counterparts, frequency-domain system identification, and peak estimation of nonnegative systems at the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS) conference in Cambridge, UK.
Mar 28, 2024 I was interviewed in the IEEE Control Systems Magazine Ph.D.s in Control column about my thesis work in peak estimation.
Mar 26, 2024 Our paper about Low-Order System Identification using Sum-of-Rational Optimization (with M. Abdalmoaty, M. Yin, R. S. Smith) was accepted to the 2024 IFAC Symposium on System Identification in Boston.
Mar 15, 2024 I will be visiting the Laboratoire Signaux & Systèmes (L2S) in Paris-Saclay between April 11-12, and will be discussing research about risk estimation of stochastic processes.
Mar 1, 2024 Our paper about Peak Estimation of Rational Dynamical Systems (with R. S. Smith) was accepted to the 2024 European Control Conference in Stockholm.
Feb 25, 2024 I will be presenting work about maximizing slice-volumes of semialgebraic sets attending the Moments and Polynomials: Applications and Theory conference at the University of Konstanz from March 11-14.
Feb 14, 2024 I will be visiting the Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control (IST) at the University of Stuttgart on February 16 and will present results about data-driven safety quantification and errors-in-variables control.
Jan 23, 2024 Our paper about Data-Driven Control under Quantization (with J. Zheng, M. Sznaier, and C. Hixenbaugh) was accepted to the 2024 American Control Conference in Toronto.
Jan 16, 2024 I will be attending the Champery Power Conference, and will be presenting a poster about Risk Analysis of Stochastic Processes.
Dec 16, 2023 I presented our research about Data-Driven Control of Positive Systems, Peak Estimation of Time-Delay Systems, and Risk Analysis of Stochastic Systems, at the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control in Singapore.
Nov 16, 2023 I attended the Future Trends in Polynomial Optimization workshop at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, FR.
Sep 27, 2023 I attended the European Research Network System Identification (ERNSI) workshop in Stockholm, SE.
Aug 7, 2023 I have started a postdoctoral position at the Automatic Control Lab (IfA), ETH Zurich, in the research group of Prof. Roy Smith.
Jul 12, 2023 4 papers were accepted to the 62nd IEEE CDC
Jul 11, 2023 I am a finalist for the Young Author Prize at IFAC WC 2022
Jun 5, 2023 Our paper Robust Data-Driven Safe Control using Density Functions was accepted for publication in the IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS).
Jun 3, 2023 Our paper Bounding the Distance to Unsafe Sets with Convex Optimization was accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
May 22, 2023 I will be presenting “Data-Driven Gain Scheduling Control of Linear Parameter-Varying Systems using Quadratic Matrix Inequalities” at the American Control Conference at 3:45pm on June 2, 2023 (FrC10 Regular Session, Aqua 309).
May 22, 2023 I will be giving a seminar about Data-Driven Safety Quantification at the Student seminar series on optimization, control & learning in UC San Diego on May 29, 2023.
May 21, 2023 I will be giving a seminar about Safety Quantification under Uncertainty at the Control Seminars at UC Irvine on May 26, 2023.
Apr 3, 2023 I have defended my PhD Thesis "Safety Quantification for Nonlinear and Time-Delay Systems using Occupation Measures".
Mar 25, 2023 Several papers about Peak Estimation have been posted to Arxiv in advance of my Thesis Defense on April 3.
Mar 4, 2023 I will be giving a seminar about Data-Driven Control under Input and Measurement Noise at the Oden Institute in UT Austin on April 9, 2023.
Mar 3, 2023 The paper Superstabilizing Control of Discrete-Time ARX Models under Error in Variables (written with Tianyu Dai and Mario Sznaier) was accepted to the IFAC World Congress.
Feb 17, 2023 I will be giving a seminar about Data-Driven Control under Input and Measurement Noise at the MERIIT Lab in NYU on Feb 21, 2023.
Jan 25, 2023 I will be presenting a poster at an ICERM workshop on Discrete Optimization
Jan 20, 2023 The paper “Data-Driven Gain Scheduling Control of Linear Parameter-Varying Systems using Quadratic Matrix Inequalities” with M. Sznaier was accepted to both ACC 2023 and IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS).
Jan 19, 2023 I will be participating in a SIAM DS23 Minisymposium to discuss polynomial optimization methods for time-delay systems.
Jan 13, 2023 I will be defending my PhD Thesis on April 3, 2023 at 10:00 EST
Dec 19, 2022 My service as a Teaching Assistant for Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition (EECE 5644, Fall 2022 taught by Prof. David Brady) has concluded.
Dec 6, 2022 I received an Outstanding Student Paper Award at the 61st CDC
Dec 4, 2022 I will be presenting at CDC on Thursday, Dec 9 at 13:30 and 14:50
Dec 4, 2022 The projects page on this website is online.
Nov 27, 2022 The paper “Data-Driven Gain Scheduling Control of Linear Parameter-Varying Systems using Quadratic Matrix Inequalities” with M. Sznaier was accepted to the IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS).
Oct 5, 2022 I have delivered a DSCD Rising Stars talk about Distance Estimation at the 2nd Modeling, Estimation, and Control Conference.
Sep 23, 2022 I was briefly profiled in the Northeastern University Institutional Accomplishments under the subheading “Reinventing the PhD.”
Sep 9, 2022 I have joined the IFAC Technical Committee on Robust Control (TC 2.5).
Sep 7, 2022 I am serving as a Teaching Assistant for Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition (EECE 5644, Fall 2022) taught by Prof. David Brady.
Sep 7, 2022 I have joined the IEEE Control Systems Society Technical Committee on Robust and Complex Systems (TCRoCS).
Sep 2, 2022 I received a Young Author Award at ROCOND 2022
Jul 16, 2022 3 papers were accepted to the 61st IEEE CDC
Jul 12, 2022 My Chateaubriand Fellowship hosted at LAAS-CNRS has concluded.
Jul 1, 2022 I will be delivering a DSCD Rising Stars talk about Distance Estimation at the 2nd Modeling, Estimation, and Control Conference.
May 20, 2022 I assisted Mario Sznaier in teaching the Sparsity course at EECI between May 16-20.
Apr 20, 2022 Our paper “Facial Input Decompositions for Robust Peak Estimation under Polyhedral Uncertainty” (extended arxiv) has been accepted for presentation at ROCOND 2022.
Apr 17, 2022 I participated in a workshop at MFO about Conic Linear Optimization and gave a presentation about Distance Estimation.
Mar 14, 2022 I will be giving a seminar about Distance Estimation at the SMAI-MODE Days of Optimization in Limoges on June 3, 2022.
Jan 10, 2022 I am visiting LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse from Jan. 10 to Jul. 12, 2022.
Dec 17, 2021 I received an Outstanding Student Paper Award at the 60th CDC
Apr 28, 2020 I was selected for a STEM Chateaubriand Fellowship to work with and visit the MAC team at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France.