Jared F. Miller

Convex Optimization, Nonlinear Systems, Control Theory


I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Automatic Control Lab, ETH Zurich, in the research group of Prof. Roy S. Smith. My thesis topic involved peak estimation and safety analysis (e.g. speed of a car, height of an aircraft, distance to an obstacle) through the use of occupation measures (interview). Another branch of research involves data-driven control, including when the system is contaminated with a combination of input, measurement, and process noise (such as flying a drone with faulty motors and sensors on a windy day). I am also interested in renewable energy integration, and am therefore learning about power systems and power electronics.

I received a Bachelors (EE) and a Masters (EE/CE) degree from Northeastern University in 2018, and a PhD (EE) degree from Northeastern University in 2023 (advised by Mario Sznaier). I have always been interested in applied mathematics, and was introduced to control theory and sparsity during my co-op at ASML (Veldhoven, NL) in 2016. I learned about convex optimization as part of Mario Sznaier’s course Big Data, Sparsity, and Control in 2017, for which I later became a teaching assistant.


Jul 27, 2024 3 papers were accepted to the 63rd IEEE CDC
Jul 26, 2024 I will be attending the Polynomial Optimization for Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications workshop at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach from July 28-August 2, 2024.
Jul 18, 2024 Our work on Peak Estimation of Rational Dynamical Systems (with R. S. Smith) was published by the European Journal of Control.
Jul 10, 2024 I presented work about Data-Driven Control under Quantization (with J. Zheng, M. Sznaier, and C. Hixenbaugh) at the 2024 American Control Conference in Toronto.
Jun 13, 2024 Our work about Data-Driven Safe Control of Discrete-Time Non-Linear Systems (with Jian Zheng and Mario Sznaier) was published by the IEEE Control Systems Letters.

selected publications


  1. PhD
    Safety Quantification for Nonlinear and Time-Delay Systems using Occupation Measures
    Miller, Jared

Journal Articles

  1. TAC
    Bounding the Distance to Unsafe Sets with Convex Optimization
    Miller, Jared, and Sznaier, Mario
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 2023
  2. LCSS
    Robust Data-Driven Safe Control using Density Functions
    Zheng, Jian, Dai, TianyuMiller, Jared, and Sznaier, Mario
    IEEE Control Systems Letters 2023
  3. LCSS
    Data-Driven Gain Scheduling Control of Linear Parameter-Varying Systems using Quadratic Matrix Inequalities
    Miller, Jared, and Sznaier, Mario
    IEEE Control Systems Letters 2022
  4. AUT
    Decomposed structured subsets for semidefinite and sum-of-squares optimization
    Automatica 2022

Conference Articles

  1. CDC
    Peak Estimation for Uncertain and Switched Systems
    Miller, JaredHenrion, DidierSznaier, Mario, and Korda, Milan
    In 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2021


  1. Analysis and Control of Input-Affine Dynamical Systems using Infinite-Dimensional Robust Counterparts
    Miller, Jared, and Sznaier, Mario
    Preprint 2023
  2. Data-Driven Stabilizing and Robust Control of Discrete-Time Linear Systems with Error in Variables
    Miller, JaredDai, Tianyu, and Sznaier, Mario
    Preprint 2022